List of courier services in New Zealand

List of courier services in New Zealand Courier Services List पोस्ट सीरीज आगे बढ़ाते हुए इस पोस्ट में हम New Zealand की कूरियर कंपनी के बारें में बात करेंगे. कूरियर के बारें में यदि कुछ और जानना चाहते हैं तो कमेंट में पूछ सकते हैं. कूरियर का बिज़नस बहुत तेजी से फल फूल रहा है. लेकिन, अभी भी प्रखंड स्तर (Block Level) पर यह नहीं पहुंचा है. अभी भी इस व्यवसाय में आगे बढ़ने की बहुत संभावना है. हमारे साथ बने रहिये क्यूंकि बहुत जल्द कूरियर बिज़नस कैसे करें इसके बारें में पोस्ट पब्लिश करेंगे. अगले पोस्ट में दो जानकारी शेयर की जाएगी पहली कूरियर कंपनी में करियर कैसे बनायें, दूसरा कूरियर व्यवसाय कैसे शुरू करें.

courier service in new zealand

List Of Courier Companies in New Zealand

All Courier Company List and Toll Free Number

A A Couriers, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-634 2794.

Chem Couriers, Invercargill, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-526 0950.

Courier Post City Depot, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 268 743.

Courier Post Hamilton, Hamilton, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 268 743.

Courier Post Highbrook, Auckland, New Zealand, Telephone +64 9-336 4600.

Courier Post, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 268 743.

Courier Post, Napier, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 268 743.

Courier Post, Queenstown, New Zealand.

Courier Post, Rotorua, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 268 743.

Courier Post, Tauranga, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 268 7437.

Courier Post, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 501 502.

To 10 Courier Companies List in India

All Bank Toll-Free Customer Care Number List

CourierPost is part of Express Couriers Limited, which also encompasses the Pace and Contract

Logistics brands. Express Couriers Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of New Zealand Post.

Daily Freight, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-345 5100.

Deadline Express Limited, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-357 1995.

DHL Express, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 020.

DHL Express, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 020.

DHL Express, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 020.

DHL Express, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 020.

DHL Express/Courier Post, Dunedin, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 020.

DHL Supply Chain, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-574 1450.

Direct Couriers (Auckland) Limited, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-249 0077.

DX Mail, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-526 3150.

DX Mail, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-358 9101.

DX Mail, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 806 139.

होम लोन के लिए डॉक्यूमेंट लिस्ट क्या है?


Fastway Courier, Tauranga, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-541 0100.

Fastway Couriers Rotorua, Rotorua, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-348 0677.

Fastway Couriers, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-634 3704.

Fastway Couriers, Dunedin, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-477 4040.

Fastway Couriers, Gisborne, New Zealand. Telephone +64 6-868 9080.

Fastway Couriers, Hamilton, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-847 8210.

Fastway Couriers, Invercargill, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-218 7609.

Fastway Couriers, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Telephone +64 4-576 0296.

Fastway Couriers, Masterton, New Zealand. Telephone +64 6-378 8331.

Fastway Couriers, Napier, New Zealand. Telephone +64 6-843 3143.

Fastway Couriers, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Telephone +64 6-751 5511.

Fastway Couriers, Timaru, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-688 7452.

Fastway Couriers, Vinetown, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-438 2415.

Fastway Couriers, Whanganui, New Zealand. Telephone +64 6-348 0504.

Fed Ex World Service Center, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 733 339.

Fed Ex World Service Center, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 733 339.

Fliway International Limited, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-255 4620.

Flower Shop Florist, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 4-387 8950.

List of Courier Company in South Africa

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Gateway Express, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 4-920 2000.

Jet Worldwide, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-275 1955.

Kiwi Express, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Telephone +64 4-587 9010.

Metro Urgent, Hamilton, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-848 2230.

New Zealand Couriers Limited, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 4-472 1305.

New Zealand Couriers, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-526 3100.

New Zealand Couriers, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-341 4400.

New Zealand Couriers, Hamilton, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-843 0740.

New Zealand Couriers, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 841.

New Zealand Couriers, Taupo, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-378 0257.

New Zealand Couriers, Tauranga, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 800 841.

New Zealand Post Limited, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-302 1059.

New Zealand Post Limited, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-367 9600.

New Zealand Post Limited, Cambridge, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-823 0721.

New Zealand Post, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 501 501.

Pace Couriers, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 501 502.

Pace Couriers, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 501 502.

Pack & Send Nelson City, Nelson, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-548 7852.

Pack & Send Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-913 1950.

Parcel Express, Hamilton, New Zealand. Telephone +64 7-849 5262.

Pass the Parcel, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 727 784.

PBT Trusted Freight Solutions, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Telephone +64 4-570 4140.

Post Haste Couriers, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-525 2060.

Post Haste Couriers, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-345 6830.

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Shipmytrade. co. nz, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 744 769.

Smart Express Moving and Delivery Services, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-527 8132.

Speedy Couriers, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-551 6888.

Sprint Couriers, Nelson, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-545 6952.

The PBT Group, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-250 0800.

The PBT Group, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-344 3560.

The PBT Group, Whangarei, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-430 6888.

TNT Express Worldwide Limited, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 275 868.

TNT Express Worldwide Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 275 868.

TNT Express Worldwide Limited, Wellington, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 275 868.

Toll New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone +64 3-943 3399.

Urgent Couriers, Auckland, New Zealand. Telephone +64 9-307 3555.

Waihi NZ Post & Kiwibank, Waihi, New Zealand. Telephone +64 800 081 190.

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